Perspective Daily Perspective Daily is subsription-based online magazine which tries to focus on “solution-based” journalism. Wir schreiben Artikel… Crowdfunding, Germany, Investigative Journalism
Stundin Stundin is an Icelandic newspaper which raised more than 45.000 Euros on the Platform Karolina Fund.… Crowdfunding, Iceland, Investigative Journalism, Outlet, Print
Blank Spot Blank Spot is a platform for investigative journalism and storytelling. In February 2015, they raised 30.000… Crowdfunding, Investigative Journalism, Outlet, Platform, Storytelling, Sweden
Marshall-Project The Marshall-Project is an online-magazine focused on covering the criminal justice system in the USA. They… Investigative Journalism, Online, Outlet, USA
Uncoverage Uncoverage is a platform to allow direct support for investigative journalists. In January 2014 they raised 16.000… Crowdfunding, Investigative Journalism, Online, Platform, USA
ReadMatter Matter was founded via Kickstarter to become an online website called “ReadMatter” in 2012. 2.566 Supporters… Crowdfunding, Investigative Journalism, USA